Employee Benefit Plan Audits

The purpose of an employee benefit plan audit is to test that the funds in the plan are not being misused or mismanaged. An audit will also determine if the plan is being operated in accordance with the plan document. Employee benefit plans must comply with strict rules and reporting requirements. As a member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, we have a deep understanding of plan compliance. Because of our team’s skill and expertise, we complete audits thoroughly in a timely manner.

The types of Employee benefit plans audits we include:

  • Defined Contribution (401(k), 403(b), ESOP, money purchase)
  • Pension Plans (defined benefit, cash balance)
  • Health and Welfare
  • Other 401(a) plans

Want to learn more about our Employee Benefit Plan Audit services? Call us now +1 (718)-426-4661. We would be happy to discuss how Braj Aggarwal CPA can help with your specific needs.

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