Financial Calculators
What are the tax savings of a qualified retirement/cafeteria plan?
Use the following calculator to estimate the potential savings generated by implementing one or both of these plans.
What are my new business startup costs?
Use this calculator to help discover and estimate your total business startup costs. Be sure to only include those items that are essential to start the business.
Should I pay or charge monthly, quarterly or annually?
Use this APR calculator to help determine whether it makes sense financially for you to pay your creditors and/or bill your customers either monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
What is the value of my business?
Some people are just curious what their business is worth, some need a formal valuation and some people are considering selling their business. Whatever the reason our calculator will help you do that.
How many units do I need to sell to breakeven?
Use this calculator to determine the number of units required to breakeven plus the potential profit you could make on your anticipated sales volume.
Should I lease or buy equipment?
Use the following calculator to analyze the total financial impact of up-front fees, interest rates and residual value on the lease versus buy decision.
What are my business financial ratios?
A regular review of your company's financial ratios can help you focus on areas that may need improvement. Liquidity, efficiency, and profitability ratios, compared with other businesses in your industry, can highlight any strengths and weaknesses you might have over your competition. It is also important to compare your ratios over time in order to identify trends.
What is my employee total compensation package worth?
The employer has both required and discretionary payments that it makes on behalf of the employee. Use this calculator to help illustrate the total compensation package for an employee.
What are my tax savings with Section 179 deduction?
Use this calculator to help determine your Section 179 write off amount and the tax savings it might generate for you.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans through SBA
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed by President Trump on March 27. One of the provisions of the Act is the Paycheck Protection Program. The PPP program provides cash-flow assistance to small business owners through 100 percent federally guaranteed SBA loans to employers who maintain their payroll during this COVID-19 emergency.