Revenue Recognition Challenges in Mass Medicaid Billing: An Accounting SOP
Mastering revenue recognition in the realm of mass Medicaid billing is no small feat for accountants. The intricate dance involves managing a deluge of invoices, handling payments in installments, contending with frequent rate adjustments, grappling with resubmitted claims, and navigating extended collection periods that extend beyond reporting years.
Key challenges center around effectively summarizing data based on service dates, adjustment dates, charge amounts, and payment amounts. Let's dive into the complexities using any popular Medicaid billing software as an example.
Example Dilemmas:
1. Payment Report Quandary: The sum of payments for claims with service dates in the prior reporting period doesn't simply equate to Accounts Receivable collections. Why? Rate adjustments in the current period against previous period claims muddle the waters.
2. Invoice Insight Limitation: The invoice report lacks payment date information. When summarized by service date, payments received against those invoices amalgamate across reporting periods, hindering accurate period-end AR balance verification.
Proposed Solution: Streamlining with SOP:
1. Reduce Service-to-Invoice Lag: Minimize the lag between service date and invoice creation in the billing software (ideally within two weeks) to enhance operational efficiency.
2. Invoice Creation Protocol:
Determine optimal invoice frequency based on volume and reporting needs.
Create invoices by program, summarizing billing software reports by date range and charge amount (excluding adjustments).
Post one invoice per period/frequency, leveraging multiple revenue ledgers for detailed program revenue tracking.
3. Receipt Challenges and Resolution:
- Extensive experience: Our team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of Mass Medicaid billing accounting.
- Up-to-date knowledge: We stay up-to-date on the latest changes in Medicare and Medicaid regulations.
- Personalized service: We provide personalized service to each of our clients.
- Competitive rates: We offer competitive rates for our services.